For teachers
First and foremost - our stance on plagiarism
EssayZilla was created by two former Oxbridge students who slaved over many essays themselves determined to see the hard work of pupils made available to other students for research purposes. We all know that any essay short or long requires brainpower and should involve independent thought. We also know that the skill of effective and well cited research is a skill that remains useful throughout life. The philosophy of our project fully encapsulates these ideas and as a result any denigration or misuse of our project we take very seriously. And we say this not only strongly in words but also in action as well. We are open to requests for plagiarism investigations and indeed we are full member of PlageThis, an online database of essay database websites like ours which education establishments can turn to in any plagiarism investigation. Part of our project aim is to be flexible as well, and this means we are open to any request to the misuse of information sourced from our website. In short, if you have any questions please do get in touch.
How does EssayZilla help students?
We're a research tool plain and simple. We facilitate the gathering of research for students all over the world. We've helped hundreds of thousands of students so far find the right material for their project or essay and we won't stop here. The site is growing month over month at a great pace and this is only good news for students the world over.
What have other teachers said about EssayZilla?
We've had great feedback from teachers from all over the world. Our project is global and so is our feedback. Teachers around the world have provided their students with our teaching resources.
What do I do if I think a student is cheating from EssayZilla?
Tell us through our reporting tool. It's simple and we investigate thoroughly. In fact we have a very thorough computer script that actually checks through our databases for sentence and phrase comparison. We gave teachers who previously reported plagiarism violations a survey on the tool and we received a 94% success rating. We're here to grow our project and we can only do that through helping you, the teachers. Please do get in contact with us.